Welcome to the Dark Forest Plugin showcase!
Planets Overview

Planets Overview on your map.
Highlight Friends

Circle your friends' planets with pink circles :)
Capture Wait Time

Show how many blocks need to wait to capture planet and energy percent.
Abandon Area Planets

Abandon the planet(s) with colorful circle(s) on the map.
Voyage Time & Energy

View estimated time and energy arrive for a voyage.
Tiny Leaderboard

Shows a tiny leaderboard with timer
Shortest Path

Shows the shortest path by time, distance, energy
Player List

Show a list of players on your map.
Map Filter Export

Export filtered planets with or without background.
You Snooze, You Lose!

Find out when players are asleep, and punish them severely!
Peace Dove

Make peace doves fly on all your planets !
Active Players

Get a list of which players have sent the most moves recently
Highlight Buffs

Find all 2x buffs, artifacts, and spacetime rips!
Upgrade Manager

Automatically upgrade planets according to a pattern
Range Attack

Attack planets based on your selection with filters
Highlight my planets

Help you find your small planets.
Favourite Areas

Save areas on the map for easy navigation
Custom Hotkeys

Base plugin to define custom hotkeys
Simultaneous attack

Attack or reinforce a planet by automatically scheduling up to 6 moves to arrive at the same time
Easy Highlight Artifacts

Highlight artifacts by several filters
Artifacts Finder

Auto prospect & find artifacts!

cycle through planets using a hotkey
Centralize Resources

Retrieve energy and silver from nearby planets
EnergyCurve Display

Show the energy curve of a selected planet.
Custom Distribute Silver

Custom distribute your silver!
Foundries Score

Summary points of your unprospected foundries
Find Planet By Name

Like Google, but for planet names. What name can you find?
Highlight active artifacts

Display the planet with active artifact, specially for cannon.
Artifacts AutoMove

Artifacts automatic move to spacetime rip and withdraw!
Towards Center

when you choose one planet :), you can make it towards center.
SitRep Dashboard

Report incoming attacks. Assess battle results. Follow planets.
Crawl Planets

Capture unowned planets around you!
Silver Spacetime

Automatically ship silver to spacetime rips.
Wage War

Designate a target empire by owner's xDai address to see stats about the target, then wage an automated war on them!
Upgradeable Planets

Quick view of planets ready for upgrade.
Performance Optimizer

Improve performance under heavy load.
Quick Upgrade

Upgrade your planets quickly!
Universe Scout

Info about the Universe under your cursor.

Disolve the fog of war.
Remote Snarker

Speed up snark computation using servers.

Draws SpaceType and Biome heatmap

Highlight territories around you!
Gift Empire

Give your entire empire away.
Hunt Artifacts

Find artifacts within your empire!
Distribute Silver

Distribute your silver!
Gift Planet

Easily transfer planets to others.
Repeat Attack

Automate going on offense
Map Export

Additional map export utilites.
Remote Explore

Speed up exploration using servers.

Background music!

One-stop-shop for Artifacts.
Claim Best

find the best planet you should claim :)
Scoring Planets

See the top scoring planets within your vision
Highlight Artifacts

Highlight artifact planets on your map.

Change dark forest's theme